Snappy, the Snaplet cat Mascot validates their data transformations

Want a swift way to validate database transformations?

Get real-time access to synthetic data with Proxy


Update: You can now view your data transformations from within the Snaplet web app!

To create the best experience for our users, we constantly reiterate and refine our product according to your feedback. Since publishing the post below, more and more users requested the ability to validate their data transformations before restoring a snapshot, all from within the online app. So we created the Snapshot Data Browser.

-> Read the blog post: X-ray vision for your snapshots - introducing the Snapshot Data Browser

Updated on 22 November 2023


Imagine the ability to “live-reload” the data in your database.

Imagine being able to add data to your database from within your CLI with a simple command, and immediately code against it. Imagine how easy that would make debugging! You can finally stop dreaming, Snaplet Proxy allows validation of transformations on the fly. This means you can stay in your editor and hence, stay in the flow.

Proxy demo video

If you’re in the mood for a short movie, watch this video by co-founder Peter Pistorius to see how proxy works in action in conjunction with Javascript Transformations and Copycat.  

What is Snaplet Proxy?

Snaplet Proxy is a genius little proxy that lives between your database client and your database. Some of us at Snaplet (the non-techies) call it a little ‘spirit’, since it makes your life so much better, even though you can’t actually see it. It sort of just “shows you the way” (if you get Snappy’s drift). You can call it whatever you want, the fact is that Proxy is, well, magic. Proxy intercepts and transforms traffic between your database client and the database, allowing you to test and change your JavaScript transformations in real-time without any changes to the original database. What we’re saying is that you no longer have to capture snapshots and restore them in order to see what your transformations will look like. As you can see in the screenshots below. Validating the change: "email: "" is super swift.

Proxy even provides helpful output where you can see the original value and the replacement value as well as the ones that weren’t changed. Thank you Proxy!

More about Snaplet

As we hope you will see, we are trying to make working with data as easy as working with code by bringing it into your workflow. Using Snaplet is easy, fast and safe. Snaplet is a data generation and obfuscation tool that populates your Postgres database and automatically de-identifies sensitive data. This makes testing and debugging simpler and more robust–especially when working with databases that contain private personal information.  If you need production-like data (that is de-identified, deterministic and mapped) to code against, Snaplet is here to help. Go ahead, and try it out for yourself. Our mission  is to give you production-accurate data that you can code against, so you can focus on shipping. Now, go ahead and code with the flow, the source is Proxy!

If you’ve got a request for a Snaplet feature that’d help you ship, come tell us about it in our Discord, and we’d love to hook you up with some swag!

Other posts you might be interested in:

-> See how to obfuscate sensitive data with Snaplet and Javascript.

-> See why Snaplet is a better database dump (Postgres pg_dump).

Almarie Stander
May 2, 2024