Snappy previews their transformations before restoring a snapshot with the Snapshot Data Browser

X-ray vision for your snapshots - introducing the Snapshot Data Browser

Our new data browser makes anonymizing sensitive data even easier.

We’ve had a whole bunch of Snaplet users request the ability to view the data inside their snapshots from within the Snaplet web app. It makes perfect sense - whether you’re verifying your data transformations, or double-checking that there’s no sensitive data in your snapshot before you share it, being able to do so without first restoring that snapshot to a database is a huge time-saver.

Happily, this functionality is now live from within the ‘Data browser’ tab of your snapshot. You’ll be able to select any table from within your snapshot, and view up to 200 rows of that snapshot, all from within the Snaplet web app.

Snaplet data browser

This is our first iteration of this functionality, and we intend to make further improvements that give you more control and information about your data, including highlighting which values were transformed, how they were transformed, and if we detected sensitive information.

Give it a whirl and share your thoughts with us - your feedback, as always, helps shape the future of Snaplet. Don't let bad data block you, seed your PostgreSQL database with production-like data so you can code, debug, and test with ease.

Jian Reis
May 2, 2024