snaplet pricing

Snaplet Pricing

31 January 2024 update: While we haven't launched Snaplet v1.0 yet (in part because of our ongoing work on Snaplet seed) we wanted to update this blog post to indicate that our pricing and billing is now live for Snaplet users. If you're using Snaplet, you'll be able to self-serve into the appropriate plan from inside the Snaplet web app. We're going to spend some time seeing how people use Snaplet and taking feedback from our users, and from March 2024 we'll start enforcing the limits for each respective plan more actively.


Within the next few months we’ll be launching Snaplet v1.0, and with it, officially leaving beta! It's been quite the ride since we committed our first lines of code in July 2020. Now, it's time for Snaplet to spread its wings.

While there’s a host of features coming with Snaplet v1.0, one major change that affects our users that’s going live on 1 November 2023 will be pricing. Implementing a pricing model allows us to continue to invest in new features, grow our team, and ensure a sustainable future for Snaplet.

However, deciding on a pricing strategy has been a source of significant debate within our team. We considered a range of options: per-seat, per-project, purely usage-based, and even a mix of usage-based allocations with add-ons.

Ultimately, it made sense to go back to first principles: Snaplet was born out of a desire to make developers’ lives easier. Which means we wanted a billing model that was easy to understand, predictable, and offered real value.

While per-seat models are both easy to understand and super popular among DevTool companies, we’re not fans. They disincentivize team collaboration, when Snaplet is meant to be used by an entire team. We wanted a pricing structure that doesn't inflate with each new team member unless there's a corresponding increase in value.

We also know the anxiety that comes with unpredictable bills, especially for pure usage-based models. That's not the Snaplet way. We want you to focus on coding, not stress about whether using another snapshot or preview database will blow your budget.

And lastly, we knew we wanted a generous free tier that allowed anyone to trial Snaplet, and for individual developers and small teams to really get a lot of value out of it before they needed to hand over their credit card details.

After considering all these factors, we chose a usage-based billing pricing model with generous allocations. We also settled on just two easy-to-understand tiers: Free and Pro, with substantial allocations in the Free tier for small teams and personal projects to trial Snaplet and get a ton of value out of it without ever having to pay a cent.

The Pro tier meanwhile is an all-inclusive team fee ($30) that has unlimited projects, snapshots and team members with really sizeable allocations of usage included. If you exceed any one of the usage metrics, you can opt-in for pro-rata billing on that specific item only. Custom Enterprise solutions are also available.

We believe this approach strikes the right balance: it supports Snaplet's future development, provides a great free tier for smaller teams, and offers exceptional value in our Pro tier—no hidden catches involved.

The changes to our pricing will officially kick in on 1 November 2023 - we hope this gives you enough time to assess which tier best suits your needs. You can check out all the details on our new Pricing page.

As always, we’d love to hear your feedback in our Discord.

Jian Reis
May 2, 2024