Redwood V1 launch week: Startup Showcase

Demo - How Snaplet trumps seed scripts

As one of the original creators of the Redwood JS framework, our founder Peter had the opportunity to demo Snaplet at their V1 launch last night. If you missed it, you can watch the talk down below. Peter is followed by a whole line-up of awesome product demos so it’s well worth a watch. Below you can read a short round-up of what he had to share.

First, a quick intro to Redwood JS

Founded by GitHub cofounder Tom Preston-Werner, Redwood is the full-stack web framework that weaves together the best parts of React, GraphQL, Prisma, TypeScript, Jest and Storybook. It’s where the Snaplet adventure started.

Peter opens by setting the scene. Maybe this sounds like you...

You’re a technical founder or CTO and have new developers joining the team. You’ve prepared their entire setup and stack; new laptop, slack, GitHub access, and you’re excited to get them shipping!

The problem is giving them access to production realistic data.

In the past, you’d probably give them a dump of the production database. As you know, this is problematic because it contains a bunch of personal information, so you’re pretty uneasy about sharing it, but you trust them and their drive is encrypted. Alternatively you’d have spent several days writing seed scripts to generate data. You know the agony of writing these, not to mention the absolute nightmare it is to maintain them. Honestly,  it’s a massive waste of your time. Your developers should be writing features and fixing bugs.

Enter Snaplet 😻

Snaplet gives developers access to production realistic data without personal information, in a snap!

So, how does it work?

Snaplet lets you copy your PostgreSQL database, automatically obfuscating sensitive data, so you can use and share production-like data without worrying about PII(personally identifiable information). It is a safe, convenient alternative to manual PG dump or SQL queries to maintain your local environments and populate your database daily. With our data editor you have the ability to anonymize data exactly like you want to, using Typescript. Easily restore the database to any of your development environments using our CLI.

You can have a safe (de-identified) representation of your production database on your local machine – in less time than it took to stick a Snappy sticker exactly over your mac logo. You’re ready to start pair programming and even your newest developer can ship to production from day one! It is time to dump the seed scripts and start populating your database with accurate, anonymized data data so you can code, debug, and test with ease. Less time and stress agonising over private data, more flow for you and your engineers.

Try it out!

Barbara Cilliers
May 2, 2024