Snaplet Visual Studio Code extension

Put disruptions on hold and database syncing on ‘auto’

The Snaplet VS Code Extension is the easiest way to use Snaplet


Update: The Snaplet VS Code Extension has been deprecated.

We've phased out the Snaplet VS Code extension to put all our energy and focus into making the Snaplet CLI and core product the best they can be. Thanks for sticking with us!

Updated on 15 November 2023 by the Author


If you're a developer, you know how deeply satisfying it can be to lose yourself in the rhythm of writing code, especially when you're working on a brand new feature. The problem-solving, the creativity - it's why many of us fell in love with coding in the first place.

But, inevitably, something always comes along to break that rhythm. A ping on Slack, an urgent email, a critical bug in production that needs your immediate attention. You find yourself yanked from your development zen and thrust into firefighting mode. What's worse, you have to leave behind the work you were in the middle of - code stashed, a new branch from main created, and all focus diverted to addressing the bug.

And as if this context switching wasn't painful enough, there's another complication lurking beneath the surface: database drift. You've been so engrossed in building your feature, tweaking your database schema to fit your needs, that your local database no longer reflects the state of the production database.

Without a tool like Snaplet, you're faced with a daunting, productivity-killing task: rerunning migrations, wiping out the data you've been working with, then reapplying the migrations and reintroducing the data once you switch back to your feature branch. It's a cycle that can quickly become frustrating and disrupt your coding flow.

Enter Snaplet, and now specifically, our new VS Code extension.

Snaplet moves your local database to the cloud and keeps it updated with accurate, production-like data. This is done by taking a snapshot of your production database, reducing it using subsetting, and transforming it to remove any private information. You get the benefits of real-world data without any privacy risks.

But the real game-changer is the new Snaplet VS Code extension. This clever tool keeps your database state perfectly synchronized with your active git branch. When you switch from your feature branch to your bugfix branch, the extension automatically provides a database that mirrors the current production state. And when you're ready to switch back? Your original database, complete with all your schema adjustments and feature-specific data, is right there waiting for you.

It let's you do the work you're actually getting paid for

It's a seamless process that saves you time and keeps you focused on the tasks that matter: problem-solving, feature-building, and squashing those pesky bugs. The Snaplet VS Code extension works seamlessly to sync your database and your code whether you’re switching git branches to review a colleague’s code, or switching between your own git branches. It always keeps your code and your data perfectly synchronized.

But don't just take our word for it - try it out for yourself!

The Snaplet VS Code extension is available now and free to use - grab it on the Visual Studio Code marketplace. It's just one of the ways we’re working to streamline development workflows, remove unnecessary friction, and keep developers like you in flow. Because coding should be about creativity and problem-solving, not manual database management.

We’d love to hear what you think about our new extension, so give it a try, and come tell us about your experience on Discord - we love giving out swag for feedback!

Jian Reis
May 2, 2024