how to subset your database with Snaplet

Data subsetting with Snaplet is like losing pounds in seconds, in all the right places!

What is subsetting, and how does it work?

Navigating the complexities of working with production data in software development is a challenge that developers know all too well. The benefits of using production or production-like data are well known, but it’s a delicate balance dealing with massive datasets and the inherent risk of exposing sensitive information. Enter Snaplet snapshots and the transformative power of the Snaplet subset function.

The developer's dilemma: size and sensitivity of production data

Developers often grapple with the enormity of production databases, which are often cumbersome and inefficient for seeding a local development environment. Adding to this challenge is the ever-present risk of handling sensitive data, a concern that's especially pronounced in sectors dealing with personal information. Ensuring data privacy and adhering to compliance standards like GDPR and HIPAA is paramount, yet it often complicates the development process.

Snappy struggling under the weight of a very large database

Snaplet snapshots: secure data transformations

Snaplet has been specifically designed to help developers get high quality, accurate production-like data in their development workflows, quickly, safely, and easily. By leveraging Snaplet's transformation functions, developers can now safely transform and anonymize personally identifiable information (PII) from their production database. This ensures that they can work with production-like data that’s sourced directly from their production database without the risk of data breaches or non-compliance.

Snaplet subset: representative data at a fraction of the size

Production-like data is great, but production databases can be enormous and unwieldy to work with. Here’s where Snaplet subset can help: this feature empowers developers to access a sample of their datasets that’s realistic and representative. Irrespective of the size of your production dataset, you can get a tiny representative sample that offers a host of benefits:

  • Data realism: Snaplet subset ensures that the data you work with closely mirrors your actual production environment. This realism is crucial for accurate development and testing.
  • Referential integrity: Despite working with a smaller dataset, the integrity and relationships within your data remain intact, providing a comprehensive development environment.
  • Customizability: Snaplet subset allows developers to tailor the scope and scale of their data samples down to the number of rows, ensuring they have exactly what they need without the overhead of extraneous information.
  • Privacy and Compliance: With subset, compliance with data protection regulations is baked into the process. The tool anonymizes and safeguards sensitive data, offering peace of mind to developers and companies alike.
  • Development and Testing Efficiency: Whether it's for local development or specific testing scenarios, subset enhances efficiency. Developers spend less time wrangling unwieldy datasets and more time crafting quality software.

Snaplet's subset feature enables developers to securely, quickly, and easily handle large production datasets, especially when sensitive data is involved. By offering a scalable, secure, and efficient solution, Snaplet enables better development practices and allows developers to code and test against better quality data.

Try it for yourself

Want to give Snaplet a try, and experience subset for yourself? Try the Snaplet snapshot quick start guide to get a walk through of capturing your first snapshot.

Jian Reis
May 2, 2024